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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Mennonite Guesthouse in Nairobi

Finally arrived in Kenya after two days of grueling airport life.  Quick disclaimer::: this blog will be simply a description of my experience, most likely I won't have time to be researching my findings so take it as it is and enjoy!
Nairobi airport was easy to navigate, got a visa for $50 in 5 minutes, and the declaration of goods department consisted of one person who was busy.  For the first time I got to look for my name on signs upon exiting the airport, how exciting to see someone waiting to drive me to the hotel.  Stephen, my driver was halfway through his 24 hour shift and had been waiting for 1 1/2 hours for me.  Still so kind and polite, he chatted away our 20 minute drive through the city.  Nairobi was fast asleep, no one out partying, no homeless in sight, everything was closed.  We made our way through a very developed industrial district, then a newer business district and out to a residential area.  It was eerily quiet and peaceful, and Steven said it would be like this during the day as well.  He reviewed with me the customary greetings here, hand-shake- no hugs or kisses!  Hugs are reserved for close family members. We did a little swahili lesson, my favorite word so far is "jambo"- hello.
Off to bed, I had no idea what time it was, a daze of exhaustion set in.  I climbed in my bunk and let my bones settle horizontally, not without some creaking.  And of course, the nighttime chorus begins...first the goose next to the compound gets startled and can't seem to shake it off for a good twenty minutes, a few lone honks from the nearest street, and then the best part, the canines.  There were a couple groups, each on one side of the compound, and I think all it took was a sneezing mosquito to get them going.  But, yes, hearing them made me feel more at home strangely, and I fell asleep thinking of my Lily and Jones.
Off for a 5 hour van ride to Chogoria tomorrow at 11am.

1 comment:

  1. Great details! A 24-hour taxi shift seems unimaginable. I love the description of the chorus of nighttime voices and songs!
